Eat That Date Fruit - Part 1
Despite the extraordinary nutritious content of Dates fruit or Ajwa - there is a bunch of other names - it is considered a mysterious under-rated fruit. Most of us know little or probably less information about date palms. However, this fruit was one of the best food suppliers to the ancient desert travelers.
While they are a popular fruit in the Middle East, where they have been for too long, they are not as commonly found elsewhere in the world. There are many different varieties of dates, each with its own unique texture and taste. I addition to this, many people assume that the nomad globetrotter was able to survive long periods of traveling time eating only dates! Yes really! The palm tree itself can tolerate relatively harsh climatic and conditions like no other plants of its type.
Regardless you are eating date fruit regularly or you do not even hear about it before, there are some hidden facts about this ancient, legendary and heavenly fruit will supposedly surprise you.
1- The most ancient tree in history:
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) discovered that the date palms tree are immemorial yet, the date fruit origin is lost in the history of humankind!
Nevertheless, it is very certain that date palms are very antique, For example, it was used as early as 4000 B.C. in the construction of the TEMPLE OF THE MOON GOD near Southern Iraq. And in Egypt's Nile Valley civilization, where it was used as a symbol for a “year” in Egyptian hieroglyphics language and the palm tree frond as a symbol for a month in this era of the history
Moreover, in Sumerians, Arcadians, and Babylonians these people used to build their houses using palm tree trunks and fronds. And the palm leaves were woven into baskets, mats, brooms, mats, and made into furniture.
In a conclusion, date palms are probably the most ancient tree has been cultivated in the world.
2- The “heavenly fruit":
There are different varieties of fruits mentioned in religious books. However, just one mentioned in all of them in common, the date palms. Islamic, Jewish and Christian mentioned it in various ways. That is why dates described as the “heavenly fruit.
In Islamic, dates mentioned in the Holy Quran in 17 SURA (chapter) out of 114 Suras and 20 verses of 6,263 verses. Prophet Muhammad (the Muslim's Messenger) said that the best property is date palm, and he advised Muslims to eat the date and tend the date palm trees, At the Elim Oasis, where the Israelites set up a camp by the wells of water during their flight from Egypt across Sinai to the Promised Land of "milk and honey".
these 70 palms mentioned in the book of Exodus, 15:27, where a date palms.
In The Holy Bible, it was mentioned a lot. They believed in the symbolism of the date palm tree straight height pointed to the great heaven, and they refer to it as a Christians human moving throughout this straight line to the fairness and eternity of life. Moreover, in Judaism, The Jews consider the date as one of the seven holy fruits and they celebrate Palm Sunday.
Do you think we have to eat it if we want the Heaven! Maybe..
3- Fruit of EVE!
AKA The forbidden fruit.! Did You hear about that piece of fruit Adam and Eve ate that gets them out of the heaven ( Garden of Eden), they desired wisdom, and life begins!
In the polytheistic world, the palms trees had a very special place amongst all creature, it was believed that they are connected directly to the divine power energy, they can renew themselves annually,They attract lightning, they produce fruits and nuts to humans and they reach up high to the heavens as well as down into the netherworld.
Various people believe that the date palm (not the apple tree) was the tree of knowledge of good and evil and that the date (not the Apple) was the fruit Eve recently offered to Adam in the Garden of Eden!
This point may conflict with the one before. Certain people fear of eating this piece of fruit. Whilst, some religious are saying the tree is only a symbol and does not exist.
4- One and half thousand species!
Bring me one fruit in the universe that has this huge number of species and varieties under her tent! I doubt anyone can find.
This mysterious family is about 200 genera and 1,500 species, All of them falls under the date palms name, but each of this species has its own name, and most of these names are Arabic origin names referring to the place they cultivated or may be to the person who planted it, likely.
Some of the most famous species are:
Ajwa. A soft black date, cultivated in El- Medina in Saudi Arabia. They are very popular amongst Muslims.
Tagyat & tamej. Are common in Libya with a high moisture content.
Zaghloul. Was found in Egypt, Zaghloul dates are almost red colored, may turn into black after very long time. In Egypt, they have great value as it shares a name with national hero Saad Zaghloul
5- Date palm trees are the healthiest!

Likewise, as habitual palm trees are unique; of course, there are male date palm trees and female date palm trees. However unlike other trees, the female is not pollinated via the migrations of bees or other insects nor do the wind, it can happen but not like the very old and primitive pollination technique, It remains for man to clamber the palm tree and shake the pollen from the male amid the female.
This service has been performed for a very long time, placing an entire male spathe in the crown of the female palm trees. Because it is so self-sufficient, it has categorized as the healthiest tree in the world!
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