Eat That Date Fruit - Part 2

Despite the extraordinary nutritious content of Dates fruit or Ajwa - there is a bunch of other names - it is considered a mysterious under-rated fruit. Most of us know little or probably less information about date palms. However, this fruit was one of the best food suppliers to the ancient desert travelers.

While they are a popular fruit in the Middle East, where they have been for too long, they are not as commonly found elsewhere in the world. There are many different varieties of dates, each with its own unique texture and taste. I addition to this, many people assume that the nomad globetrotter was able to survive long periods of traveling time eating only dates! Yes really! The palm tree itself can tolerate relatively harsh climatic and conditions like no other plants of its type.

Regardless you are eating date fruit regularly or you do not even hear about it before, there are some hidden facts about this ancient, legendary and heavenly fruit will supposedly surprise you.

 Only 3% of farmlands:

A multipurpose tree that provides food, materials, fuel and timber products in a cruel climate, where only a few crops can grow. Did you know that this entire disturbance caused by the date fruit is coming from only 3% of earth farmlands!  But, do not get this wrong and be afraid of insufficient date palms production, this 3 % is capable of producing up to Four million tons annually! 

 Moreover, the total number of date palms around the world is 100,000 palm tree, the majority of the distribution is in the middle east and the Arabian Gulf’s countries, this number is very tiny compared to most of other trees and crops with all the verities.

Consequently, Traders are responsible for spreading dates around Asia, northern Africa, and Spain. In the 18th century, they introduced dates to Mexico and the United States. Nowadays, the production and consumption of date fruit are worldwide.
As long as the world wants to produce more of the heavenly date palms tree, they have to provide the needed climate, temperature, and direct sunlight, especially in the western countries.

 A very special seed:

Although they have been around for too long to pinpoint exactly where they originated from, this tiny thing hidden between the two half parts of the date palms are very unique because - like no planet of the same type -  the seeds are capable of lying dormant for years and decades  before growing when environmental conditions are suitable !

Scientists have found a 2000 years old dormant date palm seed in Israel, sprouted when it was planted again back in 2005!  In addition, it has  huge benefits for health problems when turned to powder such diabetes, liver diseases, gastrointestinal disorder and DNA damage, therefore if you ate that date fruit please, do not waste its seed 

 The most nourishing for a man!

Unfortunately, the most nutritious thing to the man is underrated and not known widely as it should. The date fruit consists of 70% carbohydrates (mostly sugars), making it one of the most nourishing natural foods available to man, it contains many notorious factors minerals, vitamins, proteins, fats, carbs, and water, What else! That is why, for the nomad, the date meant survival. It is a good food, of very high nutritive value and keeps almost forever when dried. 

Moreover, in most varieties, the sugar content of a date fruit is mostly glucose and fructose, very suitable for who cannot tolerate sucrose, the human body immediately absorbs these inverted forms of sugar in dates without being subjected to the digestion of ordinary sugar.

Some people are named after it:

Did they even know that! Giving a name in honor of a Fruit and Vegetable was very famous since very long time. The fruit dates itself has many origins around different languages and cultures.  Date palms come from a Greek word “daktylos”, meaning finger!  

The Hebrew word for the date palm is "Tamar",  It became the Jewish symbol of grace, tenderness and elegance and was often given to women During the First Century A.D even today, in Israel and other Arabian countries there are different names like:  "Tamar," "Tamara," and "Tamarah", “Taymor”, “Taymore” are often used as girls' names! 

A mystery behind the name!

Although they are widely cultivated, date palms progenitor is believed to be Phoenix from tropical Africa, or Phoenix sylvestris from India, or a hybrid between both.

The Phoenix is a legendary bird was living in the Arabia, very long time ago - Very few people said to exist - This legend excited the imaginations of East and West, both European and Arab naturalists and writers speculated upon the nature of this mysterious bird.

 Even, Shakespeare writes a poem about it, "sole Arabian tree” The story is telling us what the strong immortal bird did when it felt itself about to die.  It built a pyre of dragon's blood, and frankincense and myrrh - all of them are Arabian products - laid a single egg and then set fire to its nest. After it turns into ash, it can be brought again to life as a new bird healthy and strong.

 Nevers less, the legendary “Phoenix” could live forever by doing so. The date palm named after Phoenix dactylifera for two reasons, first one: the bird’s nest was in a palm tree, secondly: they are referring to the immortality of the date palm - when dry can stay forever - to the immortality of the bird Phoenix!.



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